monitoring & evaluation

BCS  has a pool of experienced consultants (both junior and senior) who have worked exclusively in development. Our team has mastery and experience consulting and building capacity on several major development and humanitarian themes, for several international agencies and several countries. Monitoring and evaluation of project activities are essential for assessing the progress made towards the goals and results. For  our team, we seek to improve Monitoring Evaluation systems as a means through which to ensure the best impact on the lives of beneficiary communities. We firmly believe that monitoring is more than just collecting information on the project. It is the systematic and continuous evaluation of progress over time by collecting and analyzing information and using that information to improve the work within the project and in the end the lives of beneficiaries. Evaluation is a periodic assessment of the results or impact of a project. Monitoring and evaluation become tools to identify strengths and weaknesses and to make sound and timely decisions.The environmental impact studies ex-ante or ex post allows us to anticipate, minimize or correct if necessary, any impact that our projects would leave in our environment. Their importance stems from the fact that we must work with all the effort possible to leave the least possible negative impact on the environment, when we try to implement a project.

Evaluation of projects

Evaluation examines the outcomes, effects, and impact of a project on the quality of life of participants and non-participants. Through evaluation, project participants and others attempt to understand and explain the effects of a project. Evaluation is based on the links between problems, causes, and solutions as identified in the project proposal and design.
It usually focuses on the general and specific objectives of a project and determines how and to what extent they were achieved.
Project evaluation is usually done at the beginning of implementation, in this case a baseline evaluation; in the middle, a mid-term evaluation; and at the end of implementation, in this case a final evaluation.
Depending on its scope, it will be a performance evaluation, a process evaluation, an impact evaluation,…
BCS  has experienced project evaluators in several fields. Our experts have worked in the evaluation of several projects in Senegal and in Africa. They come from various backgrounds and are of all levels.
BCS’s experts can help you write the terms of reference of your evaluation to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from it. They can also conduct your assessment and provide you with useful recommendations that can improve your performance in the implementation of your project or similar projects in the future.
If you are planning an assessment for your project, contact the firm and get a free quick diagnosis of your needs and ways to collaborate with us.



We believe that the monitoring we undertake of our projects must be totally participatory. The goal of participatory monitoring is to assess progress in project implementation and the achievement of results, while simultaneously promoting project ownership by communities.

Participatory project monitoring serves several purposes by:

• Facilitating problem identification and resolution
• Improving project performance and ensuring consistency with
predetermined criteria
• Providing the basis for technical and financial responsibility
• Building local capacity to carry out and successfully manage projects, and
• Promote the identification and dissemination of lessons learned by the
participants themselves.

Monitoring involves collecting and analyzing data related to project activities. Data should be easy to collect and to understand. The focus of monitoring is to use the knowledge acquired to correct and adjust project implementation and management in order to achieve project objectives.

BCS offers a range of tools to enable the participation of all project stakeholders. These tools have been tested and put into action as part of numerous monitoring assignments undertaken on behalf of our partners.


Project planning

Because we believe that the achievement of project results depends first and foremost on good planning and the establishment of a rigorous monitoring and evaluation system, we offers the highest quality services in these three areas to a range of development partners.


Environmental impact assessment

we are convinced that sustainable development requires greater attention to the impacts of our activities on the environment and works to help development partners identify and implement responsible environmental policies.

Get In Touch


Saline Ouest , djibouti, republic of djibouti


+253 77 46 77 45

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